

Found frequently in 6 or more regions


Many of the Aarakocra's ancestral cities sit in ruin, rent from their place atop the region's highest peaks during the violent quakes of the Cataclysm. Once the tremors subsided, only a few of the old temples still stood, though forever changed. Most Aarakocra were forced to seek out new homes.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom, Flight Talons

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Built as fortresses meant to endure any storm or assault, the vast Dwarven subterranean cities are considered some of the greatest marvels of the world. Entry into their cities is notoriously difficult as each visitor is carefully vetted as a possible threat. The capital of Golembluff in Bulwark was one of the first cities constructed in the wake of the Cataclysm.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Constitution, Darkvision, Dwarven Resilience, Dwarven Combat Training, Stonecunning

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Gnomes are a short people with an uncommon knack for artifice. They are credited as pioneers of advanced technology powered by magic. It is for that reason that Waefolk and especially Ampere have developed so far beyond most other nations.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Intelligence, Darkvision, Gnome Cunning

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The resourceful Goblins are most known for their notoriously unreliable technology. The species often finds ways to survive even in the harshest of climates either through sheer scrappiness or through clever inventions. Goblins are pack creatures by nature, a trait often exploited by more commanding beings.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, Darkvision, Fury of the Small, Nimble Escape

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While most peoples hold a deep-rooted passion for exploration, Halfling are quite the opposite. A largely sedentary race, Halfling seldom venture far beyond their towns. Instead, they hold high the ideals of a safe and supportive community and creating exquisite foods, mastering their many instruments and indulging in the arts.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Dexterity, Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness

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Humans have a knack for learning other languages and blending into different communities. As such, they have become spread out and lack the kind of shared culture that many of the other species enjoy. They are sometimes looked down upon and treated as children by the longer-lived species, only further fueling a drive to prove themselves of value to their allies.

RACIAL TRAITS: +1 to All Ability Scores, Extra Language

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While they are famed for their strength and martial prowess, the Leonin have many more triumphs to boast of. They are credited as the founders of the Desert Monasteries, havens of combat arts and theological study. Others tend to think of them as coveted allies and effective strategists — whether or not they have the wit to back it.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Constitution, +1 Strength, Darkvision, Claws, Hunter’s Instincts, Daunting Roar

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Lizardfolk are less a single people and more a family of reptilian races. During the Cataclysm, the reptilian peoples of Kad were pushed out of their homes and, at times, hunted. They are now largely nomadic with the exception of a few rebuilt ancestral towns.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Constitution, +1 Wisdom, Bite, Cunning Artisan, Hold Breath, Hunter’s Lore, Natural Armor, Hungry Jaws

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Personal property was once a foreign concept in the Tabaxi city of Cape Remara in Southern Ardea, giving rise to an outdated stereotype of dishonesty. In some cities, they may have a difficult time finding a tavern willing to house them or a guild willing to employ them. In turn, this ostracisation sometimes leads to the very criminal behavior it was meant to avoid. In truth, Tabaxi are often remarkably loyal to those deemed allies and are common across the Augural Strand.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Dexterity, +1 Charisma, Darkvision, Feline Agility, Cat’s Claws, Cat’s Talent

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Found frequently in 3 to 5 regions


The Thri-Kreen view the whole of Ardea as their hunting grounds despite the cities and towns that have emerged since the Cataclysm. They have long been a nomadic people, but in the modern age, more and more have settled in Great Hive of Deikatal in Northern Ardea.

RACIAL TRAITS: Carapace, Natural Variation, Linguist

This is a homebrewed race. See the "Thri-Kreen" in D&D Beyond for racial traits.


Bugbears look a lot like their Hobgoblin cousins, but that is where their similarities end. Bugbears have a natural strength that can surpass even some Giants. They are generally uninterested in devising schemes, instead focusing on immediate threats and making sure their clan has adequate land and food. Their power can be terrifying when paired with their cousins' planning and tactics.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, Darkvision, Long-Limbed, Powerful Build, Sneaky, Surprise Attack

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Genasi are the direct descendants of Djinni, elemental spirits created by the Tectonics. Over generations, Genasi have lost the immortality of their ancestors but retain some of their elemental strength. They are often welcomed into communities with open arms — and high expectations. Many see them as the noble representatives of the Djinni, even though most Genasi have never been face-to-face with one.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Constitution, Elemental powers

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Gnoll communities tend not to concern themselves with issues of “honor.” Bloodsports are used as a form of communication in their cities, and many Gnolls who embrace these traditions are unpredictable and violent. Some, however, abandon their communities in search of a different kind of life.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, Darkvision, Blood Rush, Scavenger, Blood Tracker

This is a homebrewed race. See the "Free Gnoll" in D&D Beyond for racial traits.


As a hybrid race, Half-Elves struggle to find themselves fully accepted in Human or Elvish communities. It's for this reason that so many choose to live in larger cities where people tend to be more open to uncommon sights. They benefit both from the Fey magic of the Elves as well as the versatility of Humans.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Charisma, +1 to Two Other Ability Scores, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Skill Versatility

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While Human may be a bit more hesitant, Orcish settlements have no qualms welcoming in their Half-Orc siblings. As a mixed-species people, they often find themselves in diplomatic roles, brokering relationships between Orcs and other peoples.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, Darkvision, Menacing, Relentless Endurance, Savage Attacks

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The Harengon have no homeland to call their own. According to their stories, the forests they once inhabited were destroyed with the formation of the Mountain Barrows. They're known for the nimbleness of not only their long legs, but their minds, and that wit has made it easy for them to find friends wherever they go.

RACIAL TRAITS: Hare-Trigger, Leporine Senses, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit Hop

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Despite what their names may suggest, Hobgoblins are more closely related to Bugbears than they are Goblins. This trio of species is held together by a common pantheon. Many characterize Hobgoblins as ruthlessly rational, though they do extend empathy to those that earn their respect. Hobgoblins are known to follow their ambition through any obstacle, while other peoples might opt to give up and move on.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Constitution, +1 Intelligence, Darkvision, Martial Training, Saving Face

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The black-feathered Kenku are distantly related to the Aarakocra, though the Aarakocra would be hard-pressed to admit it. The Kenku are incapable of flight. Their natural speech is harsh and often unintelligible, though they are capable of speaking more clearly using their masterful ability to mimic other sounds and words that they have heard.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom, Expert Forgery, Kenku Training, Mimicry

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Often artisans, traders and historians, Loxodon have an renowned memory for names, skills and stories. Their communities have long been open to all as marketplaces. They are the founders of Ren Sahari, an ancient city rebuilt in the wake of the Cataclysm.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Constitution, +1 Wisdom, Powerful Build, Loxodon Serenity, Natural Armor, Trunk, Keen Smell

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For most Minotaur, conflict is sport in much the same way as it is for Gnolls. Clans of minotaur battle one another in competition, though outright killing is rare. Yet it’s that strength that has led militias of all alignments to see them as coveted soldiers. Like the Thri-Kreen, the Minotaur are historically nomadic, yet unlike the insectoids, the Minotaur primarily travel from town to town, providing their services in exchange for hospitality.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, Horns, Goring Rush, Hammering Horns, Imposing Prescence

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As their numbers have dwindled, the mythology surrounding this reclusive species has grown. Their isolation has sparked fears of Owlin as silent assassins, clandestine covens and furtive observers. While none of those titles encapsulates the totality of life within their treetop enclaves, each has its merits. Owlin communities have a profound respect for mysticism and the art of the hunt.

RACIAL TRAITS: Darkvision, Flight, Silent Feather

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It's unclear where exactly the Verdan originated. They are most closely related to Goblins, but their unstable genetics mean that they may dramatically change in stature, skin tone, sex or other physical traits as they reach adulthood. Unlike their Goblin cousins, however, they have developed a weak form of telepathy. This volatility has made them more empathetic than most Goblinoids.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Charisma, +1 Constitution, Black Blood Healing, Limited Telepathy, Persuasive, Telepathic Insight

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The Yuan-ti are a psionic serpentine people that live in the shadowy corners of the jungles. What makes Yuan-ti such deadly predators is the innate magical ability to persuade people and animals to do as they please. In their homeland of Sen Miëgog, they are feared, but they enjoy greater anonymity in the Augural Strand's major cities.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence, Darkvision, Innate Spellcasting, Magic Resistance, Poison Immunity

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Found frequently in 2 or fewer regions


One of the rarer forms of planetouched Humans, Aasimar draw power from their celestial blood, either inherited or granted by magical influence. At times they are the direct progeny of Humans and Celestials, while at other times they may be the product of long-dormant Celestial blood. Others often aren't sure how to approach Aasimar, and they can be treated with zealous praise on one end of the spectrum or distrust on the other.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Charisma, Darkvision, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer

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Centaurs, like the Elves, are part of a family of Fey species, separate from the Humanoids, the Beasts and the many other kinds of creatures of the world. While Centaurs are not inherently magical, primal and otherworldly magic is drawn to them. They are often most at home in the wilderness.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Strength, +1 Wisdom, Fey, Charge, Hooves, Equine Build, Survivor

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Changelings are poorly documented, largely because few live under their true faces. Descended from Humans and Doppelgängers, Changelings possess the ability to change their appearance at will. It’s unclear exactly how long Changelings have been around as none have made themselves known until very recently.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Charisma, +1 to One Other Ability Score, Shapechanger, Changeling Instincts

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Whether loyal to the old ways or the new, the Dragonborn are living reminders of a bygone era when Dragons ruled over Kad. They are much smaller than their ancestors but retain the ability to breathe out elemental blasts. They are rarely seen beyond the Draconic city of Nebosa in Quickthorne and tend to be eyed with unease in the Augural Strand's major cities.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Strength, +1 Charisma, Draconic Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Damage Resistance

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Elves and Drow are close relatives, yet while Elves settled in the sun-spackled Misomere Forest, the Drow are most at home in the dense, dark Sogworn Wood. The Drow have long opposed the more rigid Elvish culture and held a fascination with uncommon magics.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Dexterity, +1 Charisma, Superior Darkvision, Sunlight Sensitivity, Drow Magic, Drow Weapon Training

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A strange, otherworldly magic lives in the Elves of Kad, and their homes reflect that. Most commonly found in the Quickthorne within the Misomere Forest, Elven towns are imbued with primal magic and feature stunning architectural wonders. Extremely long-lived, the Elves see many of the goings-on of the region as trivial in comparison to the vast history of their kind.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Dexterity, Darkvision, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance

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The smallest of the Giantkin (though still quite large), Firbolgs were among the earliest guardians of the forests. Many still care for the woods and the peoples that call them home. They have an intuitive connection with the natural world.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Wisdom, +1 Strength, Firbolg Magic, Hidden Step, Powerful Build, Speech of Beast and Leaf

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Stoic and powerful, the Goliath are an uncommon sight. They tend to feel most at home in small communities in the wilderness, but they have also been known to work in cities as guards, blacksmiths and other professions that make use of their great strength and size. They, like the Firbolg, are related to the Giants.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, Natural Athlete, Stone’s Endurance, Powerful Build, Mountain Born

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The Grung are a small amphibious people most known for the poison they secrete from their skin. They rarely intermingle with other cultures except when absolutely necessary, though some go out in search of resources to return to their families.

RACIAL TRAITS: +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, Arboreal Alertness, Amphibious, Poison Immunity, Poisonous Skin, Standing Leap, Water Dependency

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Kalashtar, much like Tiefling and Aasimar, are Humans with a touch of the otherworldly. They are a compound race, a fusion of Human and Quori, dream spirits from the Inner Planes. Kalashtar communities tend to be isolated in forest sanctuaries where their quirks are expected and respected. Others often have a difficult time understanding their dual-minded nature.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Wisdom, +1 Charisma, Dual Mind, Mental Discipline, Mind Link, Severed from Dreams

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Kobolds live by the tenet that there is strength in numbers, and where there is one, there are often dozens more. Once, they followed the Dragons, but now, they tend to reject authority and rebuke any who would seek to conquer them.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Dexterity; Darkvision; Grovel, Cower and Beg; Pack Tactics; Sunlight Sensitivity

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To allow the creatures of the forest to defend their own homes, the druids used the Awaken spell to arm animals with the intellect to fight off the encroaching developers. These awakened animals continued to organize even after the forest was granted independence and protection. While some live more in tune with their wild roots, others have attempted to ingratiate themselves, somewhat clumsily, into civilized society.

RACIAL TRAITS: +1 Constitution; +2 Strength or Dexterity; Medium or Small; Instinctive Aptitude; Natural Weapons; Forest Walk; Hunt, Hustle, or Hide

This is a homebrewed race. See the "Okita" in D&D Beyond for racial traits.



Orcish stories tell of a great migration long, long ago. They believe the Orcs were led to Kad from a realm of violence and war. They often consider themselves a people out of place who must defend their stake in a land that would rather see them gone.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, Darkvision, Aggressive, Primal Intuition, Powerful Build

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Generally seen as playful and cunning, Satyrs can be distrusted by others. All the same, they roam into whatever community suits their fancy and ingratiate themselves there. When a family of Satyrs moves into the area, one can usually expect some degree of chaos to follow shortly thereafter.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Charisma, +1 Dexterity, Fey, Ram, Magic Resistance, Mirthful Leaps, Reveler

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Sometimes confused with Demons or Devils, the horned Tiefling are Humans with fiendish blood either through ancestry or magical influence. Their horned appearance makes some uneasy, and they can have difficulty finding a welcoming home. Yet it is often that very exclusion that brings Tieflings to come together into makeshift communities. 

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence, Darkvision, Hellish Resistance, Infernal Legacy

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Few are known to live longer than the Tortles, and fewer still can match their resolve. Endlessly tenacious, they have been known to spend centuries working towards a singular goal. They are the stalwart defenders of Sen Miëgog's holy lands.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Strength, +1 Wisdom, Claws, Hold Breath, Natural Armor, Shell Defense, Survival Instinct

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Descendents of Water Djinni, the Tritons allege that their people were once denizens of a mythological underwater place known as "the Endless Deep." Separated from this home, they have taken root along the shores of the Augural Strand. Many have been willing to travel the region and share their unique crafts with others, but they can quickly become uncomfortable when too far away from water.

RACIAL TRAITS: +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, +1 Charisma, Amphibious, Control Air and Water, Emissary fo the Sea, Guardians of the Depths

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The Warforged sit in a category of their own as the sole inorganic people. Some of the oldest known Warforged were built during the Cataclysm, meant as mindless sentinels to protect mortals. Over just the last few years, the company Runeiverse has begun constructing new “Runeforged” to act as servants and bodyguards. When their orders end or they flee their masters, the Warforged are left to decide their futures for themselves.

RACIAL TRAITS: +2 Constitution, +1 to One Other Ability Score, Constructed Resilience, Sentry’s Rest, Integrated Protection, Specialized Design

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