
The Basics | Interactive Map | About the Regions

About the Regions


Ampere Alliance

THE NATION OF LIGHTS — From the sputtering harvesters of Mugwort to the neon signs of Fellnoble, magic and machinery define life across the five provinces of the Ampere Alliance.


Blackmantle Arcanum

THE GREAT ACADEMY — Students of the mystical and military arts flock to the Nine Colleges located across the Augural Strand, but only those with extraordinary potential are welcomed into the Blackmantle Arcanum.



THE BOILING MOUNTAINS — While few have met the king of Bulwark, his ironhanded grip can be felt far beyond the cavernous, hallowed halls of Golembluff.


Caelus Castra

THE IMPERIAL CAPITAL — An imposing facade of stone conceals the sprawling, lavish interior of Caelus Castra — the Strand’s capital city built within the gilded halls of a castle.


The Mountain Barrows

THE GRAVEYARD OF THE TECTONICS — Airless and lifeless, this blackened scar is a reminder of why the Augural Strand must never again succumb to the drums of war.


Northern Ardea

THE WANDERING SANDS — It’s believed that anything that has been lost can be found somewhere just beyond the blinding dust storms of the Ardean desert.



THE AWAKENED FOREST — Home of the druids and birthplace of the Okita, Quickthorne has become a refuge for the strange and otherworldly of the Augural Strand.



THE GAMBLER’S WASTES — It’s believed that Rotkrater was once a jungle, but now little can survive on its reddened shores and arid flats.


Sen Miëgog

THE HALLOWED SWAMP — The mainlanders call it holy ground, seeing themselves as caretakers of a restless and temperamental land. But, for travelers, the Hallowed Swamp can be a treacherous place.


Sogworn Wood

THE ICY WILDS — It’s best not to think about what lies beyond the Sogworn Wall. Yet, if you must know, know this: These woods are not meant for good-natured folk.


Southern Ardea

THE LUSH CAPE — Roads, homes, markets and even skyscrapers stand among the untamed trees and grasses of Southern Ardea.



THE SYLVAN BOROUGHS — Unlike the untamed wilds to the north, Waefolk is a nation of cobblestone paths, fine clothing and the rattle of horse-drawn carriages.